The Kenton Conservancy
The Kenton Conservancy is dedicated to preserving land and waterways in perpetuity throughout Kenton County, Kentucky in order to improve the quality of life for all our citizens.
A significant participation opportunity is the donation of land for conservation through deeds or easements. Such donations provide the opportunity of possible tax incentives. We also request the contribution of stewardship funds to maintain the quality of the properties. Other participation opportunities include participation in different membership levels, financial donations, and volunteer work to enhance these life-giving green spaces and their access for the public. Your involvement also helps to maintain the Conservancy's public presence in Kenton County and protect these lands and waterways. We rely on our good neighbors to help protect conserved land. If you see any destructive behavior such as ATVs, fire building, cutting trees, dumping trash or hunting, please call your local police. County dispatch is: 859-356-3191. You can report the activity anonymously. Thank you! The Kenton Conservancy is a 501(c)(3) Non Profit Organization. |
Volunteers Needed!
Join the Kenton Conservancy and Banklick Watershed Council (BWC) for a work party to establish the (future) Brushy Fork Nature Preserve Entryway. Activities will vary, but includes cleanup, weeding, planting, invasive removal, and some educational. Location: 10463 Canberra Drive, Independence, KY 41051 (Please be respectful of neighbor's driveways when parking) Please bring: - Appropriate clothing: Close-toed shoes, long sleeves, long pants, hat, eye protection, sunscreen, work gloves, etc. - Loppers, trowels, handsaws, and other labeled personal tools (we will have a limited number to share) - Water and snacks Inclement weather cancels the event. Registered participants will be notified if rescheduled. Note: This is an approved Master Gardner volunteer site (Category 2). Master Gardners are responsible for reporting your volunteer hours at this site. Details for gatherings will be provided to registered participants before the event. Contact Kathy Donohoue ([email protected]) or Nicole Clements ([email protected]) with questions. |

Horizon Community Funds to manage new Kenton Conservancy Fund to help protect, preserve lands
(June 4th, 2021; NKyTribune)
Horizon Community Funds of Northern Kentucky now manages the new Kenton Conservancy Fund, which protects lands of natural, cultural, recreational, and historical significance for the people of Kenton County.
(June 4th, 2021; NKyTribune)
Horizon Community Funds of Northern Kentucky now manages the new Kenton Conservancy Fund, which protects lands of natural, cultural, recreational, and historical significance for the people of Kenton County.
“The Kenton Conservancy holds over 200 acres of unique natural lands in conservation in Kenton County. We are pleased to partner with Horizon Community Funds to expand our support base while allowing us to continue with our passion of conservation.
While there were many lessons from the pandemic, what we learned is people turn to nature to relieve stress and help cope with the uncertainty caused by the pandemic. Our properties saw significant increase in users over the past year, which highlights the importance of our mission.
We are truly a grass roots organization of volunteers committed to preserving and enhancing nature and making it available for people to experience themselves. We would love to hear from anyone who is interested in nature, willing to volunteer, contribute or experience nature firsthand.”
Gary R. Wolnitzek
Chair - The Kenton Conservancy